T3 Trash to Treasure

Address: 9 Joo Koon Circle, Singapore 629041


Recycling services focus on processing and repurposing various materials, including paper, plastics, metals, and electronics. This service supports environmental sustainability by reducing the need for virgin material extraction and minimizing waste sent to landfills. After materials like paper are shredded or electronics are dismantled, they are sorted and sent to appropriate recycling facilities where they are processed into raw materials for manufacturing new products. Recycling services not only help conserve natural resources but also promote a circular economy, where materials are continuously reused, reducing the overall environmental impact.

Benefits of General Recycling Services:



Economic Benefits

Public Image

Standard Processes


Recyclable materials are collected from designated bins or pick-up points at the business premises. Materials commonly include paper, plastics, metals, and glass.

Sorting and Processing:

At the recycling facility, collected materials are sorted by type and quality. Sorting may be done manually or with automated systems to ensure accurate separation.

Cleaning and Preparation:

Sorted materials are cleaned and processed to remove impurities. For example, paper is pulped, and plastics are shredded into flakes.

Recycling and Repurposing:

Cleaned materials undergo recycling processes specific to their type, transforming them into raw materials that manufacturers can use to produce new products.

Resale and Reintegration:

The recycled materials are then sold to manufacturers or used directly in new product manufacturing, completing the recycling loop and reducing the need for virgin materials.